Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Download Ebook , by Brian Anderson

Download Ebook , by Brian Anderson

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, by Brian Anderson

, by Brian Anderson

, by Brian Anderson

Download Ebook , by Brian Anderson

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, by Brian Anderson

Product details

File Size: 10991 KB

Print Length: 101 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: November 14, 2014

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC

Language: English




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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#7,806 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)

I have a Master's in Finance and have dabbled in the market off and on over the past twenty years. One of the reasons I keep leaving the market is that I haven't been able to create consistent gains, despite my academic knowledge. I have read a lot of books and attended seminars and I have to say that author Brian Anderson's "1 Hour Trade" is the freshest and most sound investment system that I have seen in a long time. Not only are his strategies well-explained and illustrated throughout his book, but they actually work and produce results on a consistent basis. Great stuff here.

Being new to investing in the stock market, I tried the approach I'd like to think most people do. Get overeager on large gains, buy and sell whimsically at a loss and occasionally get lucky.After growing tired of my account looking like a heartbeat pattern, I decided to skip the penny stocks and switch over to longer-term swing trades. It worked well for a couple of months and was a lot less stressful which was nice.While my account was consistently growing, the gains weren't substantial enough for me, I needed that penny stock volatility.So I decided to get back into the game, but first I decided to educate myself and find a set game plan and rules to adhere to. I went out and bought twelve day trading books from Amazon and elsewhere. While I've only gotten through 4 of them so far, this was the first one that was neatly laid out in a very clear and concise manner entailing the scanner setup, entry point, order type, stop losses and exit points with some bonus information on things, such as volume.Since I have begun this trading technique last week, all of my 3 trades were successful with a profit realization of 12% or greater per trade.I highly recommend this book.

As other reviewers have stated, this book is concise and more importantly, in my mind, actionable. I have tried various trading strategies, but what I like about this one is that the time horizon is slightly longer. Perhaps hours instead of minutes. As a relatively new day trader, keeping my emotions in check is the hardest part. With this particular startegy, knowing the trade may take a little while to unfold is a feature, in my humble opinion. You're essentially looking for home run wins. But the way the trade is laid out makes it methodical and puts risk management at the forefront.The author is also resposive to any questions, as he states in the book, which is a big plus.I will post an update at some point in the distant future once I see how this strategy works out for me long term.

Managing risk when trying to identify runners is incredibly important. I've learned that the hard way and its something you hear every day trader talk about numerous times. When lots of volume comes into any stock, price swings can be vicious. If you can identify a steady uptrend and set your stop loss, you may have a winner, but profit taking can happen at any time pulling it down. Once the pattern becomes an uncertainty, its incredibly risky staying in it - so calculate your acceptable risk.Most traders seem to pick risking 1/3 of their potential (calculated) exit, so if you are hoping to make 60 cents on a share, maybe your stop loss (or trailing stop) is set to 20c from buy-in. Setting a trailing stop as it gaps up can keep you in the area where you're absolutely making money, rather than gambling on a "I hope it recovers!"He talks through setting up a scanner which is great, however he identifies one field as being 30x volume(?) I've read this area a couple times wondering if I got it wrong, because outside of the sub $1.00 stock area, I don't watch anything that hits 30x volume, to even see 200% volume is incredible - so I wonder if this was supposed to be 130% (30% increase) in volume?This book keeps it simple, there are tremendous amounts of nuances and candlestick reading stuff that is not of course covered in depth, but that is all specified up front. If you want the simple rules this book is IT. If you want to go deeper on a sub-topic, go for it! In order to avoid getting lost in the noise, its important to start with the barebones basics. Manage risk, identify clear uptrends based on absolute volume (and how much of that is sell), set an entry and exit point and always manage risk. I've seen and been in stocks that have been pulled viciously down, and I've had to learn to stop touching them throughout the day once they burn you. Its easy to be clouded by belief and hope rather than seeing facts. Some successful traders actually recommend meditation to improve clarity of thought. Anyhow, I recommend this title to start with the basic laws, and how-to of trading. And yes, a lot of the time market movers happen in the first 30-120 minutes - or set your T-stop and walk away :-)

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