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The Illustrated Guide To Snowboarding, by Kevin Ryan
Free Download The Illustrated Guide To Snowboarding, by Kevin Ryan
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About the Author
Kevin Ryan has been teaching people how to ride snowboards for the last ten years. He lives in Boulder, Colorado with his partner Lisa and their son Maxwell. He has set up a 3D illustration/animation studio and is currently producing a video series and eventually a CD-ROM based upon the information in this book.
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Product details
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill; 1 edition (June 11, 1998)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1570281440
ISBN-13: 978-1570281440
Product Dimensions:
7 x 0.6 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.3 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.4 out of 5 stars
30 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#884,943 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
As someone who took up snowboarding at the end of last season, I was eager to make the most of the off-season and decided to purchase a "how to" book on the sport and settled on "The Illustrated Guide to Snowboarding" ... I figured it would at least keep snowboarding on my mind during the summer. Unfortunately, it sat on my bookshelf all summer and through the first two months of this season. After a few trips boarding this season I caught a full-blown case of snowboard fever and decided to finally read this book. Understanding that reading a book is no substitute for time on the mountain and more importantly, lessons ... I pleasantly found "The Illustrated Guide to Snowboarding" to be much more than a simple "how to" book.Being 44 years old and taking on an endeavor dominated by people half my age, my initial experiences on a snowboard were fraught with frustration and to some degree, desperation. Having learned how to ski (snow and water), surf and skateboard when I was younger, I was somewhat dismayed at the awkwardness associated with being strapped to a board. My mind told me that it must be easier than skiing (two feet on one plane vs. each foot on its own plane) and actually doing it was another matter altogether. Lessons? Sure ... there is no substitute, but I needed to be educated on a few things prior to purchasing a lift ticket for lessons ... a prep course on everything from the necessary equipment, the anatomy and purpose of that equipment, snowboarder vernacular, etc. My goal was to have a basic knowledge of things in order to understand the instructor and more importantly, ask questions without sounding like a complete idiot. "The Illustrated Guide to Snowboarding" provided virtually everything I was hoping for and much more.The book is broken down into two parts: The first part (about one-third of the book) focuses on pre-mountain issues ("Before the snow") and the second part (remaining two-thirds of the book) is dedicated to time "on the snow". I found the first part of the book to be indispensible, as Kevin Ryan delves into the mental and physical aspects of snowboarding. Visualization, focus, fear, anxiety and "thinking vs. doing" are topics discussed in the first chapter. Ryan believes these issues are what usually determine whether or not people stick with the sport. Subsequent chapters detail the human body mechanics and how it applies to snowboarding, as well as the role physics plays into a boarder remaining on the board vs. on his/her back. The prep-work provided by these initial chapters prove their value as all the topics previously discussed come together when the book finally reaches the "on the snow" point. When the "on the snow" part of the book begins, the mental and physical aspects are applied to practical use which made this portion of the book easier to comprehend. I feel too many "how too" type books go straight to the subject without creating any base knowledge beforehand ... akin to teaching someone an Eddie Van Halen guitar solo when the person doesn't even know what a fret board is. "The Illustrated Guide to Snowboarding" educates and expands the reader's knowledge on the subject, regardless of their snowboarding level. Chapters are dedicated to Novice, Intermediate and Advanced boarders with a "Q and A" segment at each chapter's end that I found particularly helpful. Chapters are also devoted to general knowledge (anatomy of a snowboard), snowboard lingo (names associated with tricks) and other necessities (what you will need to wear when snowboarding). Peppered throughout the book are "tips from the pros" that lend support to the topic being covered. The animated illustrations (in lieu of photos) that course through the book are extremely helpful as they assist with reader comprehension and are often entertaining.I feel "The Illustrated Guide to Snowboarding" is better than I ever anticipated. I found the manner in which Ryan organized his book extremely helpful as each chapter reinforces information learned in previous chapters to build a solid base of practical knowledge of snowboarding. Although no book can serve as a substitute for actually being on a snowboard, this book enhances the experience. I often refer to the first chapters when I go snowboarding (as recently as last night). The effective format and the abundance of useful, as well as practical information should be appealing to boarders of all levels. To the novice snowboarder, this book tends to generate a sense of appreciation for the sport and more importantly ... an eagerness to get on a board and ride.
The author has good knowledge of not only snowboarding, but also of human psychology as well. He is probably well-educated and explains the psychological, physiological, physics, and technical aspects of snowboarding very well.The illustrations are nice. So nice, I wish they were more of them and they should have been larger. The drawings could have been little more detailed as well.The book is geared towards the beginners and beginner/intermediate. If you are already familiar with snowboarding and want to take it to the intermediate level, this is a good book.My main issue with this book is that it was published in 1998 and already over 12 years old. So much of the information on snowboarding, especially the equipment aspects, are old or obsolete. The author still refers to tying a snowboard leash, which almost no one uses these days.The author readily admits that no book can replace actual lessons or practice. But then again, I took some lessons and not all instructors are as knowledgeable or even willing to share intermediate level knowledge with a beginner snowboarder. So I recommend you supplement your snowboard lessons with this book.If you have never snowboarded before, then I definitely recommend you peruse through this book, especially the chapter on the first-time boarding, prior to your first trial, which can be traumatic to some.
FEBRUARY 20, 2000This book is a great tool for beginners as well as intermediate. Explains how things work in details and it's very easy to understand, the many images will help you visualize the tricks you want to learn. After reading this book I am in desperate need of snow. Snowboarding can be so addicting, this book will keep you fresh even if you have to wait until the next snowboarding season.ADDED: April 17th, 2005 (Many years later :))This book is a precious tool for understanding snowboarding. I'm sorry one reader here believes snowboarding books are useless, but it is not so (I wonder if he posts negative comments for all snowboarding books). I am a certified upper level snowboard instructor with national freestyle accreditation and I believe there is much to learn from books. My roommate has been riding for 15 years and kept saying nobody needs a lesson until we got to ride together and I pointed out all the bad habits he had picked through the years which were detrimental to his higher level riding. There is much to be learned from a book. This doesn't mean a book can substitute a on-hill lesson, but it is a great complement and Kevin Ryan does a superb job at explaining all things related to snowboarding in a manner that makes sense. As a matter of fact I'm writing a snowboarding book myself, but it is more of a technical manual on how to teach snowboarding for other instructors and I hope many will pick ideas that will help them improve the quality of their lessons. Kevin's book was my first snowboarding book and it helped me a lot, providing enthusiastic views, in moving from beginner to a professional playground.ADDED: Sept. 21, 2012More years have passed and I'm still teaching snowboarding (at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort). I've gained a few more certifications since last time I edited this review and I still believe that good books are essential to improving. After all, us instructors do get our knowledge from written material as well.
A friend swears by this book. We got it and were not disappointed. Great detailed instructions and detailed illustrations. Just wish you could get a digital copy of this book on kindle.
Its very informative and easy to read book. Packed full of tips and tricks to up your snowboard game. Cant recommend enough!
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