Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Download Ebook Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy

Download Ebook Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy

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Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy

Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy

Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy

Download Ebook Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy

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Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy

Product details

Series: Master's Handbook Series, jquery, php, app design, app development, web development, web design, tech, perl, ajax, swift, python, html css, java, javascript, algorithms, machine learning, data mining, software, software engineering, r programming, iOS development

Paperback: 164 pages

Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (April 10, 2016)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1530826896

ISBN-13: 978-1530826896

Product Dimensions:

6 x 0.4 x 9 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review:

4.2 out of 5 stars

20 customer reviews

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

#2,323,731 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)

AI is something that still seems like highly advanced futuristic concept, but it is actually all around us. And it is not that difficult to start building a simple AI.This book lays out the basic concepts and goes through every step so it is easy to follow. Sure, you can't be a total beginner who knows absolutely nothing at all about programming, but some basic knowledge is enough to follow it.If you have any interest in AI or programming, this book is a good start. It is really a solid guide and I have to recommend it.

Terrible book. Very little content and very little depth. I've read a fair amount of machine learning books and this is by far the worst one.You will learn the definition of an algorithm, basic data structures (queue, stack) and a few takes on search algorithms. The content is similar to what you might spend two lectures on in any "Data Structures & Algorithms" course, and has very little to do with AI specifically. If you want to learn basic algorithms, get a real book on "data structures and algorithms in (insert language)".If you already know the basics of swift and algorithms, this book will make you no better either of the subjects. I think they misspelled the title, it should be "superficial" not "artificial".If you are new to programming and interested in machine learning, I'd recommend the book "Make Your Own Neural Network" by Tariq Rashid. It is a brilliant introduction to artificial intelligence and programming, and you will actually learn and create something exciting and useful.Note: This book comes in 4 flavours (languages). Each are rated 4.5/5 with 50+-2 votes. Artificial?

Artificial intelligence is no longer a figment of our imagination and only possible in science fiction movies, it is a real part of our lives.This book helps you to start creating your own smart software and searching algorithms. Artificial intelligence has the ability to learn itselfthrough each process it goes through, and therefore become more efficient in its operation. This book takes you through each step to create suchcode and explains how the code structure works. This book does, however, assume some background knowledge of software and how it operates,but describes things clearly.

Coding had become the industry with the leading role as a progressive thinking. Swift AI is explained so even I that do not have an IT degree am able to understand the ways of writing the code language so the AI is not an easy thing to learn.I simply love how the codes are marked in green so I can learn a proper way of learning the codes.It was very useful to lean about them all and I do not regret reading this book.

Props for the author for coming up with a lay man's illustration regarding swift programming to create AI. Usually books about programming is complicated and overwhelming, but with this book, it was concise that anyone interested could perceive it readily. I like that at the end there was a chance for the readers what they have learned by doing the practice items.

This book is a complete guide in order for you to learn Swift Programming. It will walk you through the step by step process with the Artificial Intelligence and how to create your own problem solving algorithms. It is a complete package for beginners and I will definitely recommend this book to my colleagues.

The Swift Artificial intelligence programming is made easier with the well explained essentials of algorithms and program procedures. The book takes it simple and shows that you don't need to have much knowledge in programming. The book is well written and will help any beginner to kick start the problem solving Algorithm.

Very good book! I always want to be able to create my personal algorithm and now i found the way! I liked this book because it includes many examples and the most important was that it includes examples of the exact code! So this will help you very much if you want to use it!

This book claims to be an overview of artificial intelligence, besides it’s an overview of machine learning. Great introduction to some of the fundamental algorithms used in AI programming. I have wanted to better understand artificial intelligence for a long time. This book has opened the door for me. It requires a little mathematical aptitude, but little else, as the author starts with basic concepts and gradually builds on them. I like the examples and illustrations. I would've liked to see more algorithms structured around declarative models of programming, rather than imperative structure, as I feel that declarative models provide an insight that many programmers lack, having been saturated with imperative syntax languages. They helped me digest and build my understanding one step at a time.I have gained a lot of knowledge about Programming and I am very much excited to include and use those things that I have learned in this book. Overall, it is a well written book that I highly recommend for all beginners and to skilled programmers as well. Thanks a lot to the author. Keep up the good work.

Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy PDF
Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy EPub
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Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy iBooks
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Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy PDF

Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy PDF

Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy PDF
Swift Programming Artificial Intelligence: Made Easy, w/ Essential Programming Learn to Create your * Problem Solving * Algorithms! TODAY! w/ Machine ... engineering, r programming, iOS development), by Code Well Academy PDF

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